Comprehensive tourism strategies development or update


Lesson Learned

In developing a concept and guidelines for sustainable tourism development in Rhineland-Palatinate several obstacles and challenges have been identified. First of all, the pandemic highlighted the need for adaptable strategies, often realized only when directly impacted, as seen in responses to climate change and natural disasters (e.g. Ahrtal flood). Also, gathering data with good quality remains a hurdle, limiting the ability to make informed decisions. Moreover,  stakeholder consultations were an essential part, but challenging due to the diverse interests and priorities involved. Bringing stakeholders together, gaining insights, and fostering consensus requires significant effort.

In general, coordination across those entities and companies involved in tourism is crucial, necessitating a central body to oversee and integrate efforts effectively. Sometime,  Sometimes, sustainability is not given the importance it would deserve within organizational structures. Gaps arise, when there are no dedicated roles defined.

Engaging SMEs is key, as they play a significant role in tourism but may lack resources or awareness. Encouraging them to participate and engage in this transformation is not always easy. Lastly, strategies must not remain theoretical; they should offer concrete recommendations for implementation to drive tangible outcomes.