Lesson Learned
Personalization of the tourism experience increases customer satisfaction and encourages visitor return.
Tourism services should be inclusive and respectful of the diversity of visitors and residents, including religious, spiritual or sexual orientations. This involves creating a welcoming environment that is open to all, where every individual feels respected and represented.
A previous project carried out in the area of tourism services for visitors and residents was CARE (CArpet bowls foR Everyone), an initiative implemented under the Erasmus+ program. This project aimed to promote a healthier lifestyle through sports, particularly the game of carpet bowls, and to involve all participants, putting them on an equal footing and breaking down language, gender, cultural, religious, and disability-related barriers.
This enabled the involvement of a wide variety of participants, promoting social inclusion and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.
The project fostered integration between people of different cultures and languages, providing an opportunity to meet and interact through sports.
The CARE project involved partners from different European countries, enabling the exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices.