Awareness raising on changes in tourism demand and the opportunities of twin transition for tourism


Lesson Learned

The case of BayTM (Bavarian Tourism Marketing) is one of numerous other tourism Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in Germany that work towards advancing the digital and sustainable transition within the tourism sector. One of the main gaps noted is the ongoing difficulty in effectively distributing the information to all relevant stakeholders, highlighting the importance of the right communication and dissemination channels. Additionally, concerns regarding data quality and legal considerations when sharing information via Open Data platforms need to be addressed to foster trust and compliance.

SMEs in particular feel overwhelmed by the volume of information and seek assistance in filtering relevant content. They prioritize saving time and money, and therefore seek for tailored support in accessing best practices and funding opportunities. The same comes with training options: Despite the availability of various (partly free of charge) training platforms, SMEs struggle to identify the most suitable options for them, as there is mostly the need for training sessions and individual coaching addressing their specific business operations. As highlighted already, there is also a need for a clear mandate within tourism organizations which can address transition challenges effectively and disseminate information to stakeholders on the ground.