Lesson Learned

Collaborative platforms should provide SMEs with access to detailed information on industry trends, environmental regulations, funding opportunities, and best practices in sustainability. In addition, specific tools, such as practice guides, sustainability assessment tools and sustainable business models, should be provided to support SMEs in the process of transitioning to more eco-friendly and socially responsible practices.

Collaborative platforms should provide opportunities for knowledge sharing through webinars, workshops, conferences and discussion forums. These events allow SMEs to access industry experts, participate in targeted training sessions, and exchange ideas and best practices with other tourism stakeholders. Knowledge sharing stimulates innovation, inspiration and co-creation of sustainable solutions.

These lessons learned highlight the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in fostering innovation and sustainable growth in the tourism sector.

CYSD – project under Erasmus+ focused on community-based and youth-led organizations.

The main objectives are:

  • Engage community-based youth organizations and young leaders to become agents of change and play a constructive role in marginalized areas in Europe and Africa.
  • Improve the capacity of community-based youth organizations and young leaders to better integrate the specific needs of people with disabilities and vulnerabilities.

Achievements include:

  • Initiated, tested and developed a capacity building program on “youth work, project management, leadership and community development.”
  • Increased socio-professional development of young leaders involved in training and job-shadowing activities: equipped with usable knowledge, key skills and tools to apply in their daily work with/for vulnerable youth and children.
  • Strengthening international cooperation, exchange of best practices and capacity building among young leaders, community organizations and local actors working in the field of youth and community development in the European Union and Africa.