Cyherbia Botanical Park
CyprusBewährte Praktiken
The theme park has been a trailblazer in sustainability in the restaurant as well as in their herb production facilities. They keep their environmental footprint low by recycle/reuse and use only biodegradable packaging and composting food waste. All waste is separated. Their water use policy from the beginning has been aimed at zero waste of water and careful use of water supply. The park is fully solar-operated for electricity.

Cyherbia Botanical Park
The park has 9 themed herb gardens, a large hedge maze, a woodland planted in the shape of Cyprus, 2 herb shops, a restaurant and an essential oils distillation room. Visitors enjoy a wonderful day out in nature, learning about the healing herbs of Cyprus, challenging each other in the maze, to find the 7 hidden birds as well as the way out, and can be enchanted by walking around the fairy village in the woodland. In the woodland they also learn about the local trees and their symbolism, health benefits etc. Many special events and festivals are held at the park, as well as herb seminars.
Other businesses as well as individuals contact us for advice on sustainable practices. European tourists, who are more environmentally conscious, applaud our efforts.
We offer free water to visitors on their table in glass bottles and refill their reusable bottles. Plastic bottles are still sold at our facility, because people ask for them. We would like to see more people bring their own reusable bottle. All organic waste is composted and all energy needs are produced on site via a PV system.