Bewährte Praktiken

 The Mercurio Festival positions itself as a cultural tourism attractor without limiting itself to the creation of cultural events in places of artistic heritage, a proposal already outdated by the most innovative cultural tourism operators, but setting its sights on a conscious tourism that moves its flows functionally to the artistic proposal of level regardless of the places that host it, where the experiences of recent years lead us to consider it increasingly mortifying for the artist and his paths to have to express themselves in function of the enhancement of a place. 

The conscious cultural tourism they focus on involves organizing public meetings, seminars, and workshops so that they can engage with the themes of the work, creation, and inspiration of the work we have just seen. They create meeting places where tourists know they can engage with artists and be able to freely dialogue with them. They also create itineraries, co-organized with the entities that operate within the Cantieri Culturali, in which tourists can visit the entire area, watch a show/concert at the Cantieri and entertain themselves there, expanding our itinerary to the Zisa Castle, adjacent to our target area.


Associazione Culturale Altro

In conceiving the Mercurio Festival, in 2019, they tried to imagine a new model of Festival, one that had an innovative and unique peculiarity, devising a mechanism that makes participation in the festival special: the invitation to the Mercurio Festival does not simply involve participation in a festival, but includes the intention to make one’s own contribution to the direction it wants to take, to go through it and experience it as deeply as possible, confronting oneself with the other artists who animate it, in order to organically become a subject capable of determining its path.


The communication plan, the core of the promotion of activities, is configured as a structured tool that aims to coordinate synergistic actions, ensuring the success of the festival: 1. Soliciting the area ‘s interest and promoting agreements with key players 2. Fostering participation of recipients The plan adapts to specific communication needs, ensuring consistency in different actions. The strategy is based on differentiated relational modes, addressing different targets through specific media and content. This approach ensures greater effectiveness and resonance.


The collaboration with Coop-Culture, which manages the Zisa Castle, with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and with the Municipality of Palermo itself is of fundamental importance. In addition, Mercurio, is part of those cultural initiatives of a strategic nature identified by the Municipality of Palermo to boost the tourist proposal on a cultural basis: this has made it possible to ensure a medium-term project continuity, thanks also to the dissemination of its project activities among the tourist partners of the same administration.