Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH


Bewährte Praktiken

The Brandenburg Tourism Network brings together key players in the tourism industry in Brandenburg and informs its members about topics that are of interest to them, but also about topics that are politically important or prepare tourism businesses for economic competitiveness in the coming years.

A wealth of expertise and knowledge is gathered and shared with interested stakeholders, supporting local businesses and creating awareness. The network offers a variety of educational programmes, webinars, and courses, which benefit members and support the tourism industry as a whole to implement Brandenburg’s tourism strategy.

It is a successful way of involving local interest groups and informing them about current projects. The platform is a digital collection point for projects that are being worked on and to communicate these successfully with industry partners. The network aims to make important topics accessible, educate, inform and invite the industry.


Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

The Tourismusnetzwerk Brandenburg is the business portal and social network for Brandenburg’s tourism industry. It serves to network all tourism stakeholders in the state and provides information, communication and qualification opportunities. The website serves as a central hub for all aspects of the tourism industry, consolidating information and facilitating communication among industry stakeholders. The topics covered include digitalisation, sustainability, political framework conditions and issues relating to Brandburg’s tourism strategy.


Since COVID, more participants have become accustomed to online learning and are taking part in virtual webinars. More organisations can now be reached via online tools and virtual communication channels. Website: monthly users 4000 (unique visitors), 1200 registered member accounts, 2500 recipients of the newsletter. Potential target market for Brandenburg: 10.000 tourist businesses (incl. catering, accommodation providers, excursions providers, etc.). 60.000 – 100.000 employees related to directly or indirectly to the tourism industry.


Since COVID, more organisations have understood the importance of information disclosure and value the accessibility of platforms for learning and participation. Relevant and easy-to-understand information is highly valued today, which is why the number of visitors to the platforms seems to have increased. Digital learning has increased, but just because information is available, it is not automatically utilised. Various communication channels must be available and a mix of face-to-face and digital offerings must be ensured. Also long-term funding and project owner must be guaranteed.